- Why did you start this blog?
That's a great question. I started it on a whim one night. I was sitting at home, watching TV, and I just felt like chatting with someone. I also wanted a random place to store my thoughts. Maybe it would be interesting to look back and see what I was thinking a year ago.
I'm not a writer whatsoever. In fact, in college, I avoided at all costs any class that required writing papers. My skill set does not include the ability to seamlessly transform my thoughts into coherent words. That's why I write software. I think in logical blocks - and constantly run all the different scenarios through my head at the same time. Its too bad I can't speak in Java, or C++, or Javascript for that matter.
Of course though, being a guy and a bachelor - you all know the real reason I started this blog: Girls. For some strange reason I thought that if I had a blog on the Internet I'd be able to somehow meet more chicks.
- So how's that working out for ya, buddy?
Heh (tm). Well, its a year later and I'm still a single bachelor guy living over here in Porter Square near Boston.
Dude, what about this whole "State of the Bachelor" thing?
Yo - chill out. I'm getting to that. Be patient.
Fine. Here's some state of the bachelor for ya:
- Leaky Roof: CHECK
- Broken Thermostat: CHECK
- Dirty Dishes: CHECK
- Empty Beer Boxes Leftover from the Superbowl: CHECK
- Beer in the Fridge: CHECK
- Sleeping Cat: CHECK
- Hot Pockets: CHECK
- Toilet Paper: RUNNING LOW
- Optimistic: CHECK
- Eating Better: CHECK
- Gym: CHECK (5 days a week)
- Beer: CHECK
- Weight: 174
- Height: 6' 1"
- Hair: Got it all - no gray.
- Complaint: The last day of complaint was yesterday!
Overall, I'm happy!
- I love my career
- I love my friends
- I love my apartment
You're right - life is good but I'm still missing someone to share it with. I'm still searching for Mrs. Right.
I'm not complaining about it - that's purely a waste of time. I'm actively searching for a great woman. I've been doing the dating thing for a while here - and I've met plenty of wonderful girls. But, I just haven't found that "click" that I'm looking for. I've already been down the road through engagement, without success. As a result, I don't want to make the same mistake again.
There's just a certain attraction that's there between a girl and a guy - I'm being patient and waiting for that connection. There's no reason to just dive into a relationship with a girl just to have one.
Well, I think I'm just about done with my State of the Bachelor. I'm curious to see what the state will be in another year (Or, do I have to wait 4 more years since its February 29th today?). Also, I'm just getting tired of writing! I'm not getting graded on this paper, nor am I getting paid. Nor will anyone actually read it! :-)
Happy Leap Day to you all. Best of luck to everyone!
Time for a beer!