Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Few New Buzzwords for 2009

The most excellent satirist Iowahawk has just penned one of the best posts of all time. Its a wonderful goof on the recent STUPID article in the L.A. Times spinning unemployment into "funemployment". The 'hawk has delivered a few new buzzwords that should now be a part of every gen-Xer's vocabulary:
  • Funemployment
  • Relax-cession
  • Starve-cation
  • Pro-stitution
  • Pro-verty Lifestyle

If you're over there, check out some of his other great posts. Iowahawk is invaluable.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BIP Exclusive!

Must credit Bachelor in Porter Square!!!

Yeah, so there was a truck idling and flashing lights around my apartment all night. Was it a gas leak? Did a water main break? Is there a sewer leak?????

No - it was just the Somerville public works folks painting bike lane icons on the road. At least, I think these are bicycle icons. They're pretty bad. But the road paintings are still fresh as of 10 minutes ago. This is what I call citizen reporting!

Why Blog?

In the age of Facebook and Twitter, why should I even bother blogging? In the case of Facebook and Twitter, you've got a known audience. However, blogging about random stuff on blogspot just gets lost in the ether of the Intertubes.

Which, actually might be a good thing.

I guess, if I actually wanted readers and commenters, I could easily get this site indexed by google and compile status through technorati. However, I think I'm content just letting this blog exist in the dark, unoccupied alleys of the Internet.


Ya know folks, its been many moons since I've posted anything here on my blog. The only reason I can submit is "Nuthin." That pretty much describes what's been going on with me for the past 5 months.

I'd really like to update this thing more often, but I'd prefer to actually have something to say. And as of right now, I've got nuthin. Absolutely nothing.

I took a look at my posts from early January and I've realized that I've failed at every task I had planned to do this year. But, that failure lays solely on my own shoulders. Its time for me to get back on the gravy train and get everything back into gear.