Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An Awesome Classic Videogame

Well, thanks to this post by adamg over at Universal Hub, I've found an online emulator one of my favorite video games of all time: Qix. (I don't really know who Ed Harding is, nor did I really digest the post over on his site -- I just saw the word Qix and redirected my brainpower to more important things - like playing the game and writing this blog post!)

Its a pretty simple game to play, but requires a lot of patience to earn a great score. For the best score, you want to claim as close to 99% of the screen as possible. My strategy has always involved creating many thin blocks, thereby forcing the Qix itself into a smaller and smaller space. Once you've got it trapped, if you've set up your blocks the right way, you can make a slow dash to claim up to 99% of the space.

Also, the sound effects totally rule. The game is from 1981, and I still friggin love the "soundtrack".

There's a few sites that have this Qix emulator - its just a simple shockwave application. And, pretty much every site you see has the same app running. I'm not sure why, but this is the link I like the most.

What's your high score?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stuff I Don't Know - III

How can people walk around listening to headphones? I really just can't do it. I like to hear everything that's going on around me. I like to hear if people are running up behind me. I like to hear if there is a car coming around the bend before I cross the street.

I just like to hear what's going on around me.

Besides, I don't know how many times I've seen headphoned folks drop something and can't hear the nice folks yelling "you've dropped something." I'll be honest, when that happens, I simply shrug and say too bad.

Do these folks who listen to headphones all day hate the real world that much? Do they really hate people so much that they have to live in their own private world?

Like I said, I just don't know.

I'm Still Here - I Swear

Hey all - I'm sure you're all wondering why I haven't created any posts in the last few months. The only reason I have is that I haven't really had anything interesting to say. It was a fun summer, and so far its been a fun autumn. Now that its getting colder outside, I'm sure I'm going to have many more lonely nights at home, which will hopefully drive me to spout out some more random thoughts and jibber jabba.

So, to enlighten all of you trusty readers, I'll reach into my inbox and answer all of those amazing questions you've been sending me. Let's take a look at my inbox:
Oh, geez. Well, I guess I'm not answering any of your fan mail tonight. So, ya know what I'll do -- I'll just have a little Q&A with myself! Let's begin.
Q: Dude, what have you been up to the past few months?
A: Well, I watched my beloved Chicago Cubs finish atop the National League, and they promptly CHOKE in the playoffs. I watched my second favorite team, the Red Sox, stumble into the playoffs and lose to the upstart Tampa Bay Rays. (I DID watch game 5, and thoroughly enjoyed the entire series -- it was a great battle. I'm disappointed the Sox didn't win, but I'm not distraught.)

I watched Tom Brady go down 10 minutes into the Patriots season. On the other hand, I've watched none other than Kyle Neckbeard Orton lead the Bears offense like a super star. Is this some kind of bizarro world?

I found my inner nerd and attended the Ajax Experience conference over in South Boston. Yes, I'm a javascript geek - and yes it was totally friggin awesome. And, in case you're wondering, my javascript library of choice is Dojo.

Besides all that, I've had plenty of beer, played plenty of kickball games, had plenty more beer, and a lot of fun.
Q: Dude, that's boring shit. What about you love life? Where are all the ladies?
A: Really? Is that all you care about? You just wanna know whether I've scored?
Q: Yes
A: Well, that's not a question.
Q: I don't care. This isn't Jeopardy. Answer the damn question.
A: Fine. I went on a handful of first dates, but never felt any sort of connection. I did, however, go out with an awesome girl for a few weeks - and had a great time. Again, though, it didn't pan out. I guess I just didn't feel that certain spark, even though it was awesome.
Q: What do you mean you didn't feel that "spark"?
A: Dude, I don't know. I guess my heart just wasn't in it. Ya know what I mean?
Q: No, I don't.
A: Well, there's just that certain feeling, that certain je ne sais quoi that I'm looking for.
Q: Je ne sais quoi? WTF does that mean?
A: It means you're a shithead. In French.
Q: You're calling me a shithead?
A: Yes.
Q: Dude, you're calling yourself a shithead.
A: That's not a question.
Q: You're the one who's making up these stupid questions!
A: All right, this is getting stupid. I'm having a fake argument with myself in a fake Q&A post.
Q: Fine. One last question: Phillies or Rays?
A: I'm rooting for the Phillies, however I really have no idea who's going to win this series. The Rays are a great team, and it wouldn't surprise me if they won the whole thing.

Well, I've run out of material for this post. However, I think I like the idea of answering random questions. I think I'll start a new "Ask a Bachelor" gimmick. I'm sure, everyone out there is just dying to find out the opinion of a single 30-something bachelor.

So, got any questions? Ask a bachelor. I'll give you the honest bachelor answer.