Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An Awesome Classic Videogame

Well, thanks to this post by adamg over at Universal Hub, I've found an online emulator one of my favorite video games of all time: Qix. (I don't really know who Ed Harding is, nor did I really digest the post over on his site -- I just saw the word Qix and redirected my brainpower to more important things - like playing the game and writing this blog post!)

Its a pretty simple game to play, but requires a lot of patience to earn a great score. For the best score, you want to claim as close to 99% of the screen as possible. My strategy has always involved creating many thin blocks, thereby forcing the Qix itself into a smaller and smaller space. Once you've got it trapped, if you've set up your blocks the right way, you can make a slow dash to claim up to 99% of the space.

Also, the sound effects totally rule. The game is from 1981, and I still friggin love the "soundtrack".

There's a few sites that have this Qix emulator - its just a simple shockwave application. And, pretty much every site you see has the same app running. I'm not sure why, but this is the link I like the most.

What's your high score?

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