Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ok, This is Kinda Cool

Yeah, I know you can find pretty much any music video you want on Youtube these days. However, MTV has recently launched their own video site, MTV Music.

Sure, they haven't encoded and released every video they've ever played, but there's a bunch of good ones up there - and the video quality is top notch. Not only that, the responsiveness is much better than Youtube.

The reason I bring attention to the MTV video site, is that they have some band interviews, plus one of my favorite mindless VH-1 videos: Pop-up video. Plus, they'll actually let you embed the videos.

Let's give it a try. Here's one of my all-time favorite videos, in pop-up video format.

OR, watch Wierd Al take on Dire Straits:

Which one is better? I can't decide!

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