Thursday, November 20, 2008

Prudential Blues Are Back!

Earlier this year I noticed that the lights on top of the Prudential building were BLUE. That was way back in March. The lights were blue for about a week, then went back to their standard white color.

Well, today, I took another gander at the Boston skyline and noticed that the blue lights are BACK! I never did figure out what's up with changing these lights.

What is up with Prudential's blue light special? Is the building on sale this week?

UPDATE: Well, I guess I'll answer my own question today. They're blue to commemorate cancer awareness. Its to bad I wasn't aware that the blue lights were for commemorating awareness. Although, now I'm aware of the awareness. So, I guess that means the blue lights did their job. Right?

(H/T Universal Hub)


Me said...

Just trying to confuse you, that's all. They change color EVERY TIME someone uses that situation you mentioned on my blog where you made a tiny mistake. So every time something gets erased the colors change ;)

Trashcan VonOpenMeup said...

Awesome! :-)

I have the power to change the lights on the Prudential! I wonder what I'd have to do to make them turn red?