Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Do You Believe It?

YES! That is my brand new MacBook Pro.

I've finally switched to the Dark Side. (Or, as most people would say, I've finally seen the light!)

I haven't treated myself to anything new for such a long time. I'm pretty easy going, and I don't really have a lot of *stuff* -- I just don't need that much stuff to make it through the day. I really don't generally buy myself much of anything. Its not that I'm cheap - I just don't like wasting money on things that I'll never use. I tend to get buyer's remorse very easily.

So far, I really like this new computer. I've never had my own personal laptop - I've always felt weird using my work computer for personal stuff. So, last week, I just decided on New Year's Day that I was going to go buy a new computer. That's a big step for me -- I NEVER make impulse buys. :-)

And, maybe I did buy this too soon. According to ONN, Apple is going to introduce a new revolutionary MacBook -- the MacBook Wheel!


DJDiva said...

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!

Mr ThinkPad gets a MAC!! Welcome to the dark side - you won't regret it - I LOVE my MacBook Pro!!!!!!

Did I mention WOW...

Trashcan VonOpenMeup said...

So far, I love it. I need to brush up on my UNIX / Bash skills so I can do everything from the terminal, like a real software engineer.