Friday, February 29, 2008

State of the Bachelor

I've been doing this blogging thing for about a year now. So, I figured I'd give my first annual state of the bachelor run down. Why not spill my guts to all those random people who stumble upon this site and don't care what I have to say! :-)

- Why did you start this blog?
That's a great question. I started it on a whim one night. I was sitting at home, watching TV, and I just felt like chatting with someone. I also wanted a random place to store my thoughts. Maybe it would be interesting to look back and see what I was thinking a year ago.

I'm not a writer whatsoever. In fact, in college, I avoided at all costs any class that required writing papers. My skill set does not include the ability to seamlessly transform my thoughts into coherent words. That's why I write software. I think in logical blocks - and constantly run all the different scenarios through my head at the same time. Its too bad I can't speak in Java, or C++, or Javascript for that matter.

Of course though, being a guy and a bachelor - you all know the real reason I started this blog: Girls. For some strange reason I thought that if I had a blog on the Internet I'd be able to somehow meet more chicks.

- So how's that working out for ya, buddy?
Heh (tm). Well, its a year later and I'm still a single bachelor guy living over here in Porter Square near Boston.

Dude, what about this whole "State of the Bachelor" thing?
Yo - chill out. I'm getting to that. Be patient.

Fine. Here's some state of the bachelor for ya:
  • Leaky Roof: CHECK
  • Broken Thermostat: CHECK
  • Dirty Dishes: CHECK
  • Empty Beer Boxes Leftover from the Superbowl: CHECK
  • Beer in the Fridge: CHECK
  • Sleeping Cat: CHECK
  • Huge HD TV: CHECK
  • Hot Pockets: CHECK
  • Toilet Paper: RUNNING LOW
  • Optimistic: CHECK
  • Eating Better: CHECK
  • Gym: CHECK (5 days a week)
  • Smile: CHECK-O-RAMA
  • Beer: CHECK
  • Weight: 174
  • Height: 6' 1"
  • Hair: Got it all - no gray.
  • Complaint: The last day of complaint was yesterday!
  • Mrs. Right: STILL LOOKING
Overall, I'm happy!
  • I love my career
  • I love my friends
  • I love my apartment
- Yeah dude, I gathered that, but what's missing?
You're right - life is good but I'm still missing someone to share it with. I'm still searching for Mrs. Right.

I'm not complaining about it - that's purely a waste of time. I'm actively searching for a great woman. I've been doing the dating thing for a while here - and I've met plenty of wonderful girls. But, I just haven't found that "click" that I'm looking for. I've already been down the road through engagement, without success. As a result, I don't want to make the same mistake again.

There's just a certain attraction that's there between a girl and a guy - I'm being patient and waiting for that connection. There's no reason to just dive into a relationship with a girl just to have one.

Well, I think I'm just about done with my State of the Bachelor. I'm curious to see what the state will be in another year (Or, do I have to wait 4 more years since its February 29th today?). Also, I'm just getting tired of writing! I'm not getting graded on this paper, nor am I getting paid. Nor will anyone actually read it! :-)

Happy Leap Day to you all. Best of luck to everyone!

Time for a beer!


barbie said...

I read it.

Trashcan VonOpenMeup said...

Well thank you. Thank you very much for reading my incoherent ramblings! It seemed to make a lot of sense at the time I wrote it -- now, not so much.