Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Biggest Loser

I'm addicted to this TV show - "The Biggest Loser". Watching average people just like me work their butts off for 3 months - and seeing the weekly progress is really inspiring. I'm not overweight, and I'm not trying to lose weight - but these folks have convinced me to eat better and start lifting some weights.

If they can do it, why can't I? What kind of strength can I build in 3 months working out at the gym every day? I've seen what these average Joes have done - I'm going to do the same thing.

And ya know what? I am doing the same thing. Since the new year, I've been hitting the gym at least 3 days a week. I haven't lost any weight (which is fine - I'm skinny). However, I now have to pull my belt one more loop to keep my pants up. That amazes me. People always forget how many calories are actually burned with a weight lifting workout. You don't have to run 5 miles a day to see results!

Sure, I'm not very strong, and I use all the wimpy barbells. But I don't care. You gotta start somewhere. Just gotta stay persistent.

That is all. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog about nothing. :-)


DJDiva said...

nice work! I love this show too, I try to use it as motivation to work out more. So far I'm only averaging 1 or 2 days a week at the gym. I need to do more.

Trashcan VonOpenMeup said...

And one more random tidbit -

It looks like one of the folks who was recently booted off the campus lives here in Porter Square. The showed a clip of her running up the stairway of the Porter subway stop, followed by a trek with some friends through Davis.

I can attest - that 300 foot staircase is not fun to walk up - let alone run up!