Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Chicago Way

I really don't have much to say about the Blago arrest today. What I can tell you is that is obviously a ploy to pull the Tribune Company out of bankruptcy by inflating the page views of the Chicago Tribune's web site! (Hell, I linked them twice here - but now I have to give props to the Sun-Times)

I'm only blogging about this right now because I grew up in the far south suburbs of Chicago. I've had to deal with this whole crew of Illinois politicians. This doesn't come as a surprise to me at all. I'm pretty much convinced that if you want to be in the Illinois government, you WILL go to jail at some point.

I've got so much to say about this - but I really don't feel like ranting about it now. Let's just say that when an unnecessary third airport comes to town and the government decides to take away land from your friends - and the politicians involved have no accountability, I get just a tad bit agitated.

Argh. I don't even LIVE in Illinois anymore and this still pisses me off. I shall rant later.

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