Monday, May 5, 2008

Green Apple Pop?

I dropped by Shaw's in Porter after work today to pick up a 12-er of Sprite. Instead, I left with a 12 pack of this Jones Green Apple (Pop) Soda stuff. I'm not usually an impulse shopper, but I like apples, and especially green ones - so I figured I'd give it a try.

Man, this stuff is tasty! I've had some other Jones Pop (Soda) in the past, and it was pretty good. But, dude - this stuff tastes like candy. Its awesome. And, without even realizing it, I picked out the 0 calorie sugar-free stuff. I'm honestly surprised that it tastes so good. I'm not much of a fan of the diet pop stuff.

Speaking of crazy pop, does anyone remember OK Soda? It was this crazy Dr. Pepper like, purple soda. Way back in my college days, I think the Coca-Cola company was test marketing it in the dorms at Boston U. I really liked the stuff. Unfortunately, they seemed to halt its production after my freshman year of college. Boo!

NOTE: Despite spending over 1/3 of my life out here in the Boston area, I haven't been able to kick a few of my Midwestern quirks. I still drink cans of pop instead of soda or tonic, and I wear my tennis shoes around every day instead of sneakers!

1 comment:

DJDiva said...

I remember ok - they sold it at the super market I worked at in high school/college. It didn't sell well (it combined sprite and coke or something). I thought it was nasty.

Jones sodas don't use high fructose corn syrup and all that crap that goes in the mass market sodas - which is really nice.