Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Finally Kicking the Cold?

Thank goodness my company has VPN and allows its employees to work from home. I was still hit hard by my cold this morning - but I was suffering from cabin fever and really wanted to go into work. However, I stepped outside, and thought better of myself. I decided to stay in the warmth of my apartment, drink some more OJ and tea, and work from home. I felt awful for not going into the office - we're hitting crunch time on our project. But, its really best I didn't go in -- there's no reason for me to get more people sick. This cold has been going around the office for the past week, and we had a few more people drop off today too.

So, after all my verbosity above, my point is that I'm having a few more glasses of my Bushmill's tonight. Sure, I'm getting a little hammered, but I feel 10 times better than I did this morning, and 100 times better than I did yesterday.

I'm convinced that the best way to beat a cold is to get some old-fashioned rest, and some glasses of some old-fashioned whiskey. Lemme tell ya, it does the trick.

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