Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Man, I Feel Old Today

No, I'm not talking about slowing metabolism, nor the loss of unlimited energy, nor the fact that I can't party like its 1998. I feel old today because 10 years ago:
  • Seinfeld went off the air
  • Kerry Wood had his 20 strikeout game (Wow, check out the SportCenter clip. Those were some of the nastiest sliders and curveballs I've ever seen in my life)
  • I graduated college!
Its just scary to think that these memories are still relatively fresh in my head, yet they all happened 10 years ago. I've been out of college and working in software for 10 years!

Wow. Unbelievable.


DJDiva said...

just a kid! :P

but seriously I hear you - I watched Reality Bites this past weekend - and I felt old watching that. At the time it was so current, so 'our' generation... but now it looks so 90s, but makes me remember what my life was like 10+ years ago.

Trashcan VonOpenMeup said...

I recently watched Reality Bites (1994!) a couple of weeks ago. It brought back so many memories. That movie kinda put a bunch of worries about what I'd be doing after college back in the day.

The movie that I still think defines 'our' generation is Singles (1992 OUCH!). Its such a great film. Every time I think back to the 90s, its always Singles that pops into my head.

Kim said...

Welcome to Debby Country!

I was just thinking about popping Singles into the DVD player this week. When I first saw it, I remember wanting to live in THAT complex with THOSE people. Instead, I was living in a crappy apartment complex in Maplewood, NJ.

And that soundtrack still holds up.