Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday Night Follies

Its been awhile, be we all finally went back to J.J. Foley's Friday night. What a great bar. We've been going there for close to 7 years now - and its still the same great place. Mr. Foley was there again, and very welcoming and tolerant of our innocent drunkenness.

We all met up after work - around 6:30 or 7:00 and the bar was packed. There are so many of those financial type people who crowd the place and drink crap like Coors Light. The good thing is, they usually clear out by 8:00pm - since they're all a bunch of wussbags.

My plan was to have some after-work Guinness (the Guinness at Foley's is the BEST in Boston) and then head home early and get a good night's sleep. Oh - was I wrong. Every time I tried to leave, my friends got me another beer and made me stay. Its so easy to get me to cave into peer pressure for one more beer --- it's Friday night -- why not one more beer? So, around 12:30 and about 6, or 8 Guinness, we finally managed to leave.

And so, the night ended, correct? No friggin way. You and I know that when Friday night gets started it doesn't end. So, in our infinite wisdom, a few of us took a cab back to (guess where....) the People's for a nightcap. Finally, just before 2:00am and about 10 beers (rought estimate) into the night, I finally started my journey home. And this is where the follies begin.

1) Walking to get a cab, I slipped on the ice and sprained my knee
2) Left my gloves in the cab
3) Couldn't find the correct key to open the front door to my apartment building, so I walked up the iced over driveway to pee behind the building

Crazy shit always happens in threes.

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