Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tales From the T

My plan is to start posting regularly about the random goings on I see on the T every day. I've been taking the T all around Boston for over 10 years now, so I think I have a pretty good idea of the ins and outs of the system. I've seen some crazy shit over the years, and some wonderful things over the years. Hopefully you'll be able to relate or get a chuckle out of my random musings.

Also, I'm, well, a train geek. You won't find Maxim or Blender in my shitter readings. (They used to be there, but I've pretty much outgrown them) My shitter rack is stacked with Trains magazine. So, I understand how the whole subway system works - not only from a rider's point of view, but also a conductor's or operator's point of view.

Stay tuned!

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