Monday, February 26, 2007

More Snow

So, we had a little bit more snow this morning. The temperature was above freezing, which made for some heavy, watery snow. The streets pretty much stayed clear the whole day, and we probably had only about an inch or two of accumulation.

After work, I had to shovel the sidewalk in front of the building. There wasn't that much snow, but so many people had walked through it, that shovelling it all was quite a chore. It was so compact in the middle that I couldn't get the shovel to wedge underneath it. Ugh. If only my neighbors had taken 5 minutes to do a rudimentary shovel, all would have been fine. But no. I swear I'm the only one who ever shovels the snow!

I don't mind shovelling too much -- I grew up in the midwest so I'm used to shovelling.


thealewife said...

would you consider writing for "the alewife?"

Trashcan VonOpenMeup said...

Hmmmm. I've seen "The Alewife". Its a local weekly I've seen in some of the shops around here. I read a copy a while back in the sub shop over in Porter.

I'm not really a writer by nature at all. In fact, I've always considered myself an awful writer. I hated writing papers in college and high school.

I'm a software engineer by day, and casual blogger by night. Am I really qualified to write for a real publication? I've never thought about that.

Hmmmm.... brain gears grinding right now.....