Monday, February 26, 2007

More Snow

So, we had a little bit more snow this morning. The temperature was above freezing, which made for some heavy, watery snow. The streets pretty much stayed clear the whole day, and we probably had only about an inch or two of accumulation.

After work, I had to shovel the sidewalk in front of the building. There wasn't that much snow, but so many people had walked through it, that shovelling it all was quite a chore. It was so compact in the middle that I couldn't get the shovel to wedge underneath it. Ugh. If only my neighbors had taken 5 minutes to do a rudimentary shovel, all would have been fine. But no. I swear I'm the only one who ever shovels the snow!

I don't mind shovelling too much -- I grew up in the midwest so I'm used to shovelling.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Bachelor Tips

Hot Pockets Rule

La Fin du Monde

No, its not the end of the world. Its the beer. Unibroue from Quebec is the bomb. (However, their English web site is a fixer-upper)

Tales From the T

While just about every normal person, and every single one of my friends had President's Day off, I had the good fortune of having to go into the office today. However, I did have the misfortune of having to take the Red Line to work today with the T's weekend diversion between Broadway and Ashmont still in place.

I don't want to bitch too much about the T service (that's too easy), but I will gripe a bit. The one thing I don't understand is why does the T insist on running only 4 car trains when they have diversions in place? Just because today was President's Day, doesn't mean the passenger count falls through the floor. Why not run 6-car trains? The train I took home from Kendall was packed to the gills. There was no reason for that to happen. Add 2 more cars to the train and there would have been plenty of room. Every time I've taken the Red Line on one of their diversion or bus bridge weekends they've run 4-car trains and they've always been packed even more than a normal rush hour train. I know that, other regular riders know that, and so do the operators, conductors, and dispatchers.

I'll accept that there's a good reason for running shorter trains. I'm pretty sure that the T stores the trains on the stub tracks that continue beyond Alewife station. Maybe they're too small to store 6-car trains. Or, if that's not the case, I'll accept that they run shorter trains so they're easier to crossover to the opposite track at the short end of the diversion. HOWEVER - if you're going to run shorter trains, run MORE OF THEM. The headways between the trains were longer than typical Saturday service, and there were more passengers today than on a typical Saturday.

The thing that really annoys me the most, is that train overcrowding today was such a foreseeable problem, and the solution was so incredibly simple. I just don't understand why the folks over at the T managed to let this happen.

In fact, that's probably my biggest gripe ever with the T - so many of the problems with the T are not intractable. They're all solvable - and the solutions are incredibly simple!

Ah. Now I feel better. Time for a beer.

Kendall - The Wind Tunnel

I know its winter, and we always have a yearly cold spell, so I really don't like to complain about the weather too much. Plus, I know that Kendall Square is a wind tunnel - especially right around the building at One Broadway.

But today: MAN - Kendall was a WIND TUNNEL!!! I had to trudge through an oncoming 40mph wind. It wasn't 40mph gusts, it was a constant stream of 40mph wind. I could barely walk. That's what I call ridiculous.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tales From the T - The Vampire

Craziest thing I've ever seen on the T:

A few years ago, I was taking the Red Line from Davis back into Boston and saw some guy get on at Harvard wearing a black trenchcoat, a red shirt, a pair of jeans, and some Vans. So, of course, my first though is - are you some sort of vampire?

Once the train made it through the slow curve, he stood up, grabbed the long bar near the ceiling that runs parallel to the seats and started to do some gymnastics. Then, he somehow hooked the back of his knees over the top of the bar and hung upside-down for the entire trip to Park Street. He was hanging from the bar like a vampire!

Everyone in the car kept looking at him, then looking around not sure whether to ignore him, laugh, or be scared. After we pulled into Kendall and saw him swing a bit and hang on as we rumbled over the switches before the station, the consensus of the subway car was amazement and amusment.

I've looked at the amount of clearance between the bar and the roof of the car, and its only a few inches. So somehow, this guy managed to get his shoes and legs through that space and hang there for the trip from Harvard to Park. That not only takes some serious strength, but also some really REALLY skinny legs. Plus, how can you hang that long and deal with all the blood rushing to your head?

In typical Boston fashion, no one said a word to this kid, and everyone whispered and snickered to their friends. I'll never forget, when we hit MGH, some guy got on and did a double take and nearly fell over when he noticed this guy. But, at that time, all of us in the car were used to the situation and satisfied with it, and looked at our new passenger with the "What's the big deal? So there's a guy hanging from the bar. Deal with it" type attitude.

As we rolled into Park Street, he successfully flipped himself down, took a bow, and got off the train. At that point, I knew I'd have a story for the ages.

Tales From the T

My plan is to start posting regularly about the random goings on I see on the T every day. I've been taking the T all around Boston for over 10 years now, so I think I have a pretty good idea of the ins and outs of the system. I've seen some crazy shit over the years, and some wonderful things over the years. Hopefully you'll be able to relate or get a chuckle out of my random musings.

Also, I'm, well, a train geek. You won't find Maxim or Blender in my shitter readings. (They used to be there, but I've pretty much outgrown them) My shitter rack is stacked with Trains magazine. So, I understand how the whole subway system works - not only from a rider's point of view, but also a conductor's or operator's point of view.

Stay tuned!

Ice Melt

I forgot to tell all you loyal readers (you exist, right?) -- the Hardware store in Porter Square had a sign on the door letting all of us Porterites know that Ice Melt will arrive on Monday! Hooray!

(I'm still hoarding about 1/4 of a bucket - and you can't have it)

The First 48

I've recently gotten hooked on this great show on A&E called The First 48. Its a reality show where cameras follow around homicide investigations during the first 48 hours after the crime. Lemme tell ya - its damn cool.

Bachelor Tips

Always use paper plates and plastic cups - you'll never have to do dishes

I Like Porter Square

I really like living over here in Porter Square. The shopping center has pretty much everthing I need - Shaw's, Ace Hardware, and of course, Liquor World (my favorite).

Man, I am such a bachelor. I went out to Ace today and bought a bucket, a mop, and some hardwood floor cleaner. When I moved over here I left all my cleaning stuff at my old apartment and finally got around to getting some new cleaning supplies. Thanks to my New Year's Party, the NFL playoffs, and my Superbowl party, my floors are filthy. I knew it was time to finally clean the floor when I was walking around in my socks and they were sticking to the floor everywhere.

I don't currently have a girlfriend, so there's no motivation for me to keep my place spic and span. That's a pretty sad statement, isn't it?

Well, enough blogging for now. Time to keep on moppin'.


Yeah, its Saturday night and I'm sitting on my laptop, watching Jackass, instead of being out and about on the town. So, did I hear you ask, "Why?" Well, if you'd read me previous post, maybe you'd know.

Its the damn ice. Last night when I slipped, I think I bashed my knee on the ice. I didn't feel anything at the time at all. I walked down to Central and got a cab back to Porter - and even walked back to my place too.

For some reason, I ended up falling alseep on my sofa watching a movie (can't remember what movie it was - too hammered maybe?) and woke up around 6:00am with my right leg in total pain. I totally sprained my knee with the slip on the ice last night - and I've been limping around my apartment all day long. I can barely walk. Hence, I'm staying in tonight, with my good friend - 12 year MacAllan Single Malt Scotch. I had to hobble down to the liquor store in Porter, so I figured I'd splurge and celebrate my walking accomplishment.

Now, on my 3rd glass, the knee is feeling much much better. So, its probably nothing bad at all. No need to go see the doctor.

P.S. - picked up another Smokey Joe from White Hen, and it was, as usual, absolutely delicious.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday Night Follies

Its been awhile, be we all finally went back to J.J. Foley's Friday night. What a great bar. We've been going there for close to 7 years now - and its still the same great place. Mr. Foley was there again, and very welcoming and tolerant of our innocent drunkenness.

We all met up after work - around 6:30 or 7:00 and the bar was packed. There are so many of those financial type people who crowd the place and drink crap like Coors Light. The good thing is, they usually clear out by 8:00pm - since they're all a bunch of wussbags.

My plan was to have some after-work Guinness (the Guinness at Foley's is the BEST in Boston) and then head home early and get a good night's sleep. Oh - was I wrong. Every time I tried to leave, my friends got me another beer and made me stay. Its so easy to get me to cave into peer pressure for one more beer --- it's Friday night -- why not one more beer? So, around 12:30 and about 6, or 8 Guinness, we finally managed to leave.

And so, the night ended, correct? No friggin way. You and I know that when Friday night gets started it doesn't end. So, in our infinite wisdom, a few of us took a cab back to (guess where....) the People's for a nightcap. Finally, just before 2:00am and about 10 beers (rought estimate) into the night, I finally started my journey home. And this is where the follies begin.

1) Walking to get a cab, I slipped on the ice and sprained my knee
2) Left my gloves in the cab
3) Couldn't find the correct key to open the front door to my apartment building, so I walked up the iced over driveway to pee behind the building

Crazy shit always happens in threes.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Difficult, but challenging

Uh, some kitchen designer just said that he was excited to take on a project because it was a "difficult, but challenging" project.

I like Hot Pockets because they're "easy, but simple" to cook.
I like to watch movies because they're "fun, but entertaining" to watch.
I like beer because it gets me "drunk, but hammered"

WTF, Dude?

WTF? Its almost 1:30 AM and I'm writing messages to the Intertubes with HGTV on in the background.

I think I know why - I hit the "formerly known as White Hen" White Hen in Porter and got a Smokey Joe sandwich for dinner. That's why all the rum I've been drinking tonight is not getting me hammered or tired.

I shake my fist at you Smokey Joe Sandwich. I shake my fist at you!!!

(but, oh, what a tasty sandwich)

My Answering Machine

For the record: Yes, I am still old school and have a land line. Why? I just want one. So shut up.

There are 5, yes FIVE, messages on my answering machine, all from "Boston, City of", according to my caller ID. They're all concerning parking, snow stuff, school closings, and unexcused absences from my 2 daughters.

Here's why that's funny -- I don't live in Boston and I DON'T HAVE ANY KIDS. Heck, I've never been married and I can't even find a girlfriend!

Please, "Boston, City of", STOP CALLING ME!!!! I've already got my home phone on the do not call list. Should I report you, Mr. "Boston, City of" as a telemarketer? Maybe that'll get you to STOP!

Wednesday Night Follies

As usual, Wednesday night was spent at the People's over in Central Square. The usual crew was out. For most of us, nothing short of a nuclear holocaust will keep us from heading out to the bar.

And, of course, my dart team, J^2 failed to show up yet again. We had one great game a couple of weeks ago, and convinced ourselves that we are the best in the game. Except, we've never been able to 8-peat, 3-peat, or even re-peat. Maybe it was the 4 beers we had before we started playing... and the 2 more beers during the game. Or was it the shot of B&B. (No, that was after the game).

So, on to the follies -- Have you ever had B&B before? Its not meant to be a shot. Its really an after dinner cognac style drink. For some reason, one of my buddies thinks its the greatest shot in the world. Most bars around Boston don't even have the drink. The People's has it, but every time the bartender brings down the bottle for a shot, there's a layer of dust on it. I think we're the only ones who actually drink the crap.

This past Wednesday was Valentine's day, and one of our random (really cute female) friends showed up who had recently broken up with her boyfriend. To make things better, it was her birthday too! So how do you celebrate a St. Valentine's Day Birthday with a really awesome girl???

You guessed it - B&B shots. Oh so tasty. Well, she (and her friend) didn't think so and could barely keep the shit down. How do you keep from hurling a B&B shot? Have smoke outside in the rain, ice, sleet, blizzard crap. Seriously. Works like a charm.

The downside, I think that shot killed all my charm, and I pretty much turned into a drunken, bluthering idiot. Perfection. I can barely remember the T ride home to Porter.

So kids, what lesson did we learn today? B&B shots rule! And chicks that will do B&B shots rule even more.

Peace out

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another Day

I've got this nifty new wiz-bang blog thingey, but I really don't know what to write about. The only thing that's on my mind right now is the stupid weather! I tried to shovel what I could of the sidewalk last night, but alas, it was absolutely 100% frozen solid. I mean ridiculously frozen! The ice melt stuff won't even work on it. My neighbors in my building tried to shovel a little, but the precipitation turned into rain and now there's a 1 inch slab of ice on the sidewalk.

All I can say is - Global Warming? Yeah right.

I don't really mind the snow so much, but I absolutely detest whatever that junk was that fell from the sky yesterday. Was it snow? Was it rain? Was it sleet? Was it ice? Simply ridiculous.

Hopefully we'll get some sun tomorrow and some of the ice on the sidewalks will melt. I usually try to keep the sidewalk clear in front of my apartment building, but there was just no way I could do that yesterday, considering it started to freeze before the storm was even finished. Also, pretty much no one around Porter Square has their sidewalk shoveled. I think the Tru Value hardware store is sold out of ice melt too. Hooray.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bah, Humbug

Its Valentine's Day.

Better yet, its Wednesday - Wednesdays are for drinkin at the People's Republik in Central Square.

An Indisputable Fact

Helmet is the best band in the entire universe.

So, Maybe I'm Wrong

The snow has finally started to fall. Maybe the weatherman was actually correct for once? I mean, how many times have they predicted a huge snowstorm in Boston and we've gotten absolutely NOTHING? We'll see what's on the ground in the morning.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So, I'm sitting here, waiting for the snowstorm (which I'm convinced won't show up) and figured, "hey, why not start a blog?" -- so here you have it. I'm officially the bachelor in Porter Square blogger. I've been living out here in Boston for about 10 years now, I take the T to work everyday, and I'm out at a bar around 3 (or 4 or 5) nights a week, so I think I have some sort of perspective as to what goes on out here in the "Hub of the Universe". (I hate that phrase) I'm a native midwesterner, so hopefully I'll be able to provide some sort of unique insight into the goings-on of the Boston scene.

So, hopefully, inbetween being lazy and procrastinating, I'll make some interesting postings here and provide some interesting links. And even better- someone might actually read this! If you suddenly see a rash of postings on Wednesday, then you'll know we actually got a snowstorm and I'm "working from home." (heh - do people actually do work at home when they say they're working at home??) I'm no Instapundit, so I won't be updating this blog via my cell phone while waiting at a red light in my hybrid SUV on my way to teach law school. I'm more likely to post something while I'm bored at work, or if I find myself drunk at home with nothing to do.

Long live Old Style