Friday, April 11, 2008

My New Word For Today


Definition: Super mega-awesome cool. Fantastic. Won't leave a drop of awesomeness on the ground.

- That band's new CD is so shamtastic it soaked up all the awesomeness that the previous album leaked all over the floor.

- David Ortiz cleaned up the bases with his shamtastic grand slam! Bonus Usage: Sham-a-lama ding-dong!

- Batting Manny Ramirez in the clean up spot is shamtastic!

- That guy is a shamtastic fighter. He cleans the floor with his opponents.

Yeah, I know these are really awful. If I come up with any better ones I'll update this post. I'm sure I've got some new ones up my sleeve.


Me said...

Hey Fellow Dating "Pro"! Thanks for stopping by. I don't think I am cranky either, but I very much appreciate the comment.

Kind of said being a pro at this, but a good thing to realize. Not sure how to "change" it.

AH! NOT DATE...but that would be counterproductive i guess.

K's TV said...

How about Antibushiment? Seems like your creation of new words has continued long wince our first list.

Trashcan VonOpenMeup said...

Holy crap! That word, Antibushiment, is what, 15 years old now?

How the heck did you REMEMBER THAT?!?! MY GOODNESS!!! :-)